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宝马X5 升级Velocita-VE智能5G排气系统

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案例提供者: Velocita排气系统 改装件报价:暂无报价
运动作为宝马的基因,在外形打造上,全新宝马X5在采用最新家族式设计的基础上,进行了多方升级,最大特点就是尺寸更大的双肾进气格栅,看起来更为粗犷霸气。由于M空气动力套件的配备,左右两侧雾灯区域和前杠处的进气口也进行扩大,提升了前脸的凶猛气息。Sports is the gene of BMW. In terms of appearance creation, the new BMW X5 has been upgraded in many ways based on the latest family design. The biggest feature is the larger double kidney air intake grille, which looks more rugged and aggressive. Due to the M aerodynamic package, the left and right fog lamp area and the air inlet at the front bar are also expanded, which improves the fierce breath of the front face.原车排气毕竟要妥协成本,很多车主会选择升级一套高性能排气系统After all, the original car exhaust has to compromise the cost, many car owners will choose to upgrade a set of high-performance exhaust systemVE:Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪VE:Velocita adopts stainless steel (SS304), adhering to the characteristics of fine quality, no matter from solder joint to cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly.Reduce vehicle weight, enhance power and enhance sound wave接下来就带大家一起欣赏这台宝马X5的改装案例让你感受一下真正完美的声浪Next, let's take you to enjoy the refitting case of BMW X5, let you feel the real perfect sound waveVelocita系排氣系統知名生產制作商,該團隊從2002年入駐排氣行業,專註產品制造工藝、材質、聲浪、外觀動力等細節品質。引進意大利頂尖技術與設計,擁有十數年的OEM出口經驗。針對保時捷、奧迪、寶馬、奔馳、路虎等排氣系統的研發與生產。Velocita is a well-known manufacturer of exhaust system. The team has been in the exhaust industry since 2002, focusing on product manufacturing process, material, sound wave, appearance power and other details. The introduction of Italy's top technology and design has ten years of OEM export experience. Research, development and production of exhaust systems for Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Land Rover, etc.



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