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捷豹F-pace 升级Velocita-VE智能5G全段排气系统

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案例提供者: Velocita排气系统 改装件报价:暂无报价

F‑PACE是新英伦豪华高性能轿跑SUV ,将动感性能与效率融为一体,捷豹F‑PACE的设计灵感源自F‑TYPE,是一款有着跑车基因的SUV。从凸起的发动机罩到鲜明的尾部腰线,其运动优雅的外观让人过目难忘,赢得超高回头率。F‑PACE搭载一系列技术先进的发动机,包括响应灵敏的2.0 升4缸250马力涡轮增压汽油发动机、更强劲的2.0 升4缸300马力涡轮增压汽油发动机

F-pace is a new British luxury high-performance sedan SUV, which integrates dynamic performance with efficiency. The design inspiration of Jaguar f-pace is derived from F-type, which is a SUV with sports car gene. The rear part of the hood is elegant and impressive. The f-pace is equipped with a range of technologically advanced engines, including the responsive 2.0-liter 4-cylinder 250 HP turbocharged gasoline engine and the more powerful 2.0-liter 4-cylinder 300 HP turbocharged gasoline engine


Next, let's take you to enjoy the refitting case of this Jaguar f-pace (the whole section)

之所以选择VE:Velocita采用不锈钢(SS304),秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。减轻整车重量,提升动力增强声浪,原厂安装位无损安装,原厂协议控制阀门开关,触动原厂排气按钮 阀门全开状态.The VE: velocita is made of stainless steel (SS304) and adheres to the characteristics of fine and high quality. No matter from welding or cutting, the ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly. Reduce the weight of the whole vehicle, enhance the power and enhance the sound wave. The original factory's installation position is installed without damage. The original factory's agreement controls the valve switch and touches the original factory's exhaust button valve in full open state


The effect of head section


Most of the exhaust system resistance comes from the ternary catalysts, especially in the domestic into six new countries emissions standards, original car because of emissions standards is very rigorous, tend to increase the number of head section on the catalyst and the use of larger resistance ceramic catalytic make sounds more difficult to release. So in replacing exhaust, ternary catalytic modification of the first paragraph is also need to think about it.


The effect of head section mainly from three yuan. , three yuan are relatively dense filter exhaust efficiency higher and higher, at the same time the silencing effect is better, but the disadvantages are poor engine exhaust emissions, will remain part of exhaust gas in cylinder, the lower cylinder containing oxygen limiting part.












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