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案例提供者: Velocita排气系统 改装件报价:暂无报价
作为保时捷旗下轿跑车型,Panamera在外形上就继承了跑车的血脉,动力方面当然也不会让我们失望,搭配2.9T V6双涡轮增压发动机,官方声称它的百公里加速仅需5.6秒。As a sedan car model owned by Porsche, Panamera inherits the blood of sports car in appearance. Of course, it will not disappoint us in terms of power. With the 2.9t V6 twin turbo engine, the official claims that its 100km acceleration only takes 5.6 seconds對於要求更高的車主來說,车子能升級的地方依然有很多。科技,日新月異。排氣改裝也在邁向新時代!加裝VE高性能排氣系統的帕拉梅拉2.9T讓您在駕駛的瞬間感受到隨行隨性的極致!VE高性能排氣系統,讓您在擁有激情駕駛感受的同時享受著激昂聲浪的帶來的快感與銷魂,給您提供酣暢淋漓的駕駛體驗。而升級了高亮的VE高性能排氣系統足以讓您的帕拉梅拉更加迷人眼球,甚至是有些垂涎欲滴的味道!For owners with higher requirements, there are still many places where cars can be upgraded. Science and technology are changing with each passing day. Exhaust modification is also moving towards a new era! The palamera 2.9t equipped with ve high-performance exhaust system can make you feel the extreme of following and following at the moment of driving! Ve high-performance exhaust system allows you to enjoy the pleasure and enchantment brought by the surging sound while having a passionate driving experience, providing you with a hearty driving experience. The upgraded ve high-performance exhaust system is enough to make your palamera more attractive and even a bit salivary!秉承精细优质的特点,无论从焊点还是到切割,VE团队把每一个细节都做到淋漓尽致。Adhering to the characteristics of fine quality, no matter from solder joint or cutting, ve team makes every detail incisively and vividly.

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